Surgical instruments quiz ppt
Surgical instruments quiz ppt

surgical instruments quiz ppt

Surgical instruments quiz ppt skin#

Heath’s Suture Cutting scissorsUsed to cut sutures on skin and mucous membrane.

surgical instruments quiz ppt

Mayo’s ScissorsUsed to tough structures like linea alba,rectus sheath during entry in to the abdomen.Used to cut delicate structures like hollow viscus, investing layer of deep fascia of the neck in thyroid surgery.Used to raise skin flaps by sharp dissection.

surgical instruments quiz ppt

Needle HoldersUsed to hold needles while suturing. Toothed Dissecting ForcepsUsed to hold tough structures like skin while suturing.Used to hold scalp while scalp suturing.Used to hold rectus sheath while closure of abdomen. Plain Dissecting ForcepsUsed to hold delicate visceral organsUsed to hold blood vessels and nerves while dissecting.Used to hold the hernial sac in hernia repair. Lister’s Sinus ForcepsUsed to do I&D of abscess by Hilton’s method.Used to hold gauge swab to clean abscess cavity.Īllis’ Tissue ForcepsUsed to hold skin while raising skin flaps.Used to pick up a fold of peritoneum during laparotomy.Used to hold linea alba while closing midline incisions.īabcock’s Tissue ForcepsUsed to pick up appendix during appendectomy.Used to hold delicate visceral organs.Used to hold cut margins of bladder during open prostatectomy. Mosquito Haemostatic ForcepsUsed to hold fine bleeding vessels.Used to puncture the mesoappendix at an avascular site.Used in operations of infants. Kocher’s Haemostatic ForcepsUsed to crush the base of the appendix during appendectomy.Used to hold meniscus during menisectomy.Used to do sub total thyroidectomy. Spencer Well’s Haemostatic ForcepsUsed to hold bleeding vessels.Used to split internal oblique and transverse abdominis during appendectomy.Used to do blunt dissection. RAMPLEY’S SWAB HOLDING FORCEPSUsed for cleansing the skin with swabIt is used for removing laminated membrane and daughter cysts from Hydatid cyst.Used to hold fundus and Hartman’s pouch during cholecystectomy.ĭoyen’s cross action Towel ClipsUsed to fix draping towels.Used for fixing diathermy cables, suction tubes etc.May be used to hold ribs while elevating flail segment of chest.īard Parker’s HandlesBlades 10,11,12 and 15 fit in B.P handle 3.Blades18,19,20,21,22, 23 and 24 fit in B.P handle 4. INSTRUMENTSMOHAMMAD AMIRJJM MEDICAL COLLEGEINDIA

Surgical instruments quiz ppt