There are a lot of gaps from the main game’s story filled in and experiencing them is a majority of the fun. The biggest strength of the new chapter is undoubtedly the strong storytelling aspects of the game.
Deus ex the missing link how to#
It is nice to be given a choice in how to approach them this time around and you have to wonder how much better the main game would have been if we had been given the same options previously.

You won’t find anything in their vain in TML instead the boss-like battles that you do engage in encourage you to combine your stelath and gunplay skills to make the best of a bad situation. This removal of the ability to choose your tactics worked against the core formula. Those battles only offered you one method of taking down your enemy which was simply throwing all of your firepower at them. The boss fights in HR were considered by many to be the weakest aspect of the game and Eidos recognizes this in hindsight. You end up crossing your previous paths repeatedly and things don’t change much between visits.Įidos has made an ingenious decision in not including any boss fights that are similar to the main game. The confined environments also force the game to use quite a bit of backtracking throughout the adventure. Gunshots will echo through the hallways and tunnels which will instantly alert other soldiers to come running so you have to either be ready for an all out gun fight or take your time and take everyone out silently. The two paths seem clearly laid out and you will simply be given a choice between path A and path B. The problem is, rather than having a variety of options it is pretty clear that you can either be stealthy or use force, but not much else, including the opportunity to mix the two together. Since the surroundings are composed of a variety of enclosed spaces and corridors which are intertwined, you are given a bit of flexibility in how you approach your enemies. This doesn’t give Eidos much room to create an engaging world similar to Detroit or Hengsha, but it has a lot of personality in its own right. The world within TML isn’t as visually interesting as the main game think about it, you are confined to the inside of a cargo ship, and eventually, a hidden military base. The solid core remains the same, but you can change things up if you choose. This is part of the joy that I took from the DLC while I thoroughly loved the hard hitting, offensive powerhouse that I built during my previous HR run, this time around I was given a chance to customize Jensen in a completely different manner which resulted in a different overall gameplay experience. Regardless of the direction that you took your character originally, you have the choice to do things this time around any way you wish. You start TML fresh with no alterations to your character, so don’t expect your progress from HR to have any impact on this adventure. Players are awarded experience points for a variety of actions just like the main game finding hidden areas, taking down enemies lethally and humanely, and hacking into a variety of computers and consoles all reward you with points that ultimately earn you Praxis points which you can spend to restore your augmentations. There is little done to alter the gameplay formula laid out by HR, which can be good or bad depending on your feelings about the game. If he is going to survive this ordeal, he is going to need to be able to stand toe to toe with them. That is a good thing because Jensen’s captors, the elusive military contractor known as Belltower Associates, is an organization built upon those same traits. Walking closely to the edge of life hasn’t tainted Jensen’s personality at all, he is still the blunt and dangerous individual that he has always been. In the Missing Link, players find their selves back in the role of the stoic Adam Jensen abducted and stowed away in the bowels of a cargo ship, Adam has been stripped of all of his augmentations and tortured to the brink of death. While that is ultimately a good thing, it also does serve as a little bit of a let down because the new chapter really plays things too safe to break ground like the main game does. If you have played the original game, then you pretty much know what to expect with the recent DLC installment entitled the Missing Link (TML). The original game will undoubtedly be on the list of games being considered for 2011 game of the year. Human Revolution (HR) was, and still is, an engulfing and entertaining experience that weaves an interesting tale in with the concept of moral decisions and choices that shape your development and future (in the game). It is no secret that I absolutely loved Eidos’ recent entry to the Deus Ex series.